About LMIS

Labour Market Information System

The LMIS is an information system and an active labour market policy instrument that collects, analyses, monitors and captures labour market information such as

labour indicators, data, labour demand and supply forecasts and any other labour market data. In other words, it is a system that collects statistical and non-statistical information concerning labour market actors and their environment, as well as information concerning labour market institutions, policies and regulations that serves the needs of users and has been collected through the application of accepted methodologies and practice to the largest possible extent.  Labour market information is key to all players; policy makers use it for decision making purposes, students and their parents for informed career choices, researchers etc. 


9.2 The availability of reliable, comprehensive, cost effective and up-to date labour market information is a necessary condition for effective human resource planning and its implementation. Such information is not only required by Government and its agencies, but also by employers for their personnel planning decisions. Individuals also need information on the state of the labour market to make their training and career choices. As a result of this, knowledge of how the labour market functions becomes integral to an understanding of the key economic issues of our time. Good labour market information reflects labour market realities.

Types of LMIS data

Labour market conditions data - provide information on the overall structure and condition of the labour market, including its demographic composition and trends in employment and unemployment.

Industry data - organize employment, wages, and other information by the type of production processes used.

Occupational data - organize employment, wages, and other information by the type of work performed and identifies the skill requirements and other occupational characteristics of workers and jobs.

Labour market projections - examine labour force, industry, and occupational trends, and provide a picture of future employment and job openings based on assumptions about economic growth. It also examines the flows of workers into and out of employment, and the creation, expansion, contraction, and factors related to these dynamic changes.

Current job vacancies - information identifies job openings for which employers are actively seeking workers.

Data on employment and unemployment - include information on the employment, earnings, and other items for individual workers, information on individual job seekers contained in resume or applicant files, as well as program information on individuals in workforce training or other programs.

Education and training resources information - identifies education and training institutions, programs and courses, information on access to and the quality of these training sources, and information on financial assistance.